Fairy Apothecary
Enchant the Earth
At Fairy Apothecary our focus is to create a totally unique shopping experience by showcasing makers, crafters, artists, small press authors and independent musicians. We specialize in handmade magic, pagan, LARP and gaming supplies and accessories.

Our Story
Fairy Apothecary began in 2005 under the name The Gilded Quill. I was a renfaire, festival and event vendor in a tiny 10x10 pop-up booth known to all and sundry as Fairy Princess Lolly - your proprietor. 🧚♀️ My home-faire is Ye Merrie Greenwood and we grew through nearly a decade of Faerieworlds vending. We expanded our business online in the very early days of Etsy, operating a successful web store. Eventually we pivoted into our own LARP (The Hedge Chronicles) and event production, starting with Fairyblossom Festival Midsummer Games in 2015.
During the covid years, we really grew our FAE community by pivoting to Patreon/Discord/YouTube for an enormous amount of virtual content. We worked really hard to create an online space vendors, musicians, artists and authors to still be able to connect with their festival and gaming demographics. During this time we introduced a number of fun, online activities that everyone could participate in wheresoever they may be. Our events became Patreon membership supported events with rewards packages for our supporters.
In early 2023, an opportunity presented itself once again to grow from just an online site to a physical storefront. A small space in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle opened up and we took the plunge and went for it! Fairy Apothecary opened May 1, Beltane, the same year.
As gamers and LARPers ours'elves, we have a passion for our fellow vendors and creators of all kinds and a particular loyalty to the handmade small business community. We hope to immerse you in the creative experience of our world and connect you to a truly one-of-a-kind collection of wares.
-Fairy Princess Lolly