Fairy Apothecary

Have you always wanted to learn Fairy Glamour Magic? Tir Eolas lessons cover a variety of magical topics in the true Fairy Tradition. You will learn skills from spell casting, candle making, choosing your magic wand or tools and more!

FAIRY STAR History & Overview Lesson 1: Build Elemental Faerie Star
This lesson is the the First in a year-long workshop. It is an in-depth exploration of the Fairy Star, its origins and history both past and contemporary. The knowledge here is specifically focused on the Fairy Tradition, magick, and folklore. EXCLUSIVE, never-before seen knowledge is included in this lesson!
This lesson is the the First in a year-long workshop. It is an in-depth exploration of the Fairy Star, its origins and history both past and contemporary. The knowledge here is specifically focused on the Fairy Tradition, magick, and folklore. EXCLUSIVE, never-before seen knowledge is included in this lesson!

IMBOLC FAIRYLIGHT: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Imbolc digital download includes a full write up with, Folklore, Correspondences, and information about the about the Fairylight holiday. This knowledge is Faerie Hedgecraft / Fairy Path Tradition.

VERNAL EQUINOX: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Vernal Equinox digital download includes a full write up with, Folklore, Correspondences, and information about the this springtime holiday on the Fairy wheel of seasons. This knowledge is Faerie Hedgecraft / Fairy Path Tradition.

BELTANE: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Beltane digital download includes a full write up on the traditional fairy holiday of Beltane. It includes Folklore, Correspondences, and information about the about this day that heralds the Light Half of the year on the traditional calendar. This knowledge is Faerie Hedgecraft / Fairy Path Tradition.

MIDSUMMER: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Midsummer digital download includes a full write up on the traditional fairy holiday of Midsummer / Summer Solstice. It includes Folklore, Correspondences, and information about the about this day that heralds the midway point between the light and dark halves of the year on the traditional calendar. This knowledge is Faerie Hedgecraft / Fairy Path Tradition.

LUGHNASADH: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Lughnasadh digital download includes a full write up on the traditional fairy holiday of Lughnasadh as presented at Tír Eolas Academy. It includes Folklore, Correspondences, and information about the about this day that heralds the First of Autumn by the old calendar. This knowledge is Faerie Hedgecraft / Fairy Path Tradition.

AUTUMN EQUINOX: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Autumn Equinox digital download includes a Tylwyth Teg & Yunwi Tsunsdi Rite of Thanks, Folklore, Correspondences, and information about the second harvest festival. This knowledge is Faerie Hedgecraft / Fairy Path Tradition.

SAMHAIN: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Samhain digital download includes a Faery history and knowledge of Samahin, Correspondences, Folklore for different types of Fae, activities and more. It is part of the Wheel of Seasons workshops and goes with the Samhain Wedge on the wheel (links below).

YULE: Magic Workshop Wheel of Seasons
This Yule digital download includes a full write up with, Folklore, Correspondences, and information about the this midwinter holiday on the Fairy wheel of seasons from the perspective of Faerie Hedgecraft / Fairy Path Tradition.